Tag Archives: nutrition

ethical eating, labels, and walking the line

5 Feb

ethical eating for the planetThis journey into wellness and food has taken me to places I would not have anticipated.

I’ve discovered that I am passionate about food. Not in the self-indulgent decadent way (think wine and cheese and foie gras), but more in the vein of delicious, healthful, ethical meals prepared in my kitchen. And that’s really the crux of it: ethical eating.

I find it interesting that for years I have considered myself a conscientious consumer. I recycle, I use reusable shopping bags, I minimize my consumerism, I buy used items often, I pick up litter, I use a travel mug when I patronize coffee shops, and I even buy fair trade coffee. And yet, it took me years to honestly examine the simplest (and most impactful) form of consumption.

We have choices when it comes to our food. Ethical eating encompasses a wide array of options, including (but not limited to): Continue reading

a pill for everything?

20 Dec

pill supplementationI am proud to report that I have been effectively dairy-free for 5 months. Not just lactose-free, but dairy-free. That means no lactose-free milk, no bread with whey in it… NO dairy at all. (I have indulged two or three times in a cheesy snack, and I paid for it immediately.)

The reactions I get from others about this topic are frustrating. Most people ask, “Are you lactose intolerant?” And I reply that I suspect I am, since ceasing dairy consumption has alleviated my digestive problems. They invariably reply with, “Oh jeez, I’m sorry. You know, they make pills now that you can take before you eat dairy so you don’t have such a bad reaction.” Continue reading

Indian food Bonanza!

10 Nov
delicious indian cuisine

provided via creative commons by flickr user "artfulblogger"

I know, it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to post. Life interrupts, sometimes.

BUT, I have still been cooking and continuing my dairy-free lifestyle. I have entirely eliminated dairy products from my diet. No dairy-based seasonings, no nonfat dry milk in my breads. My digestion has stabilized and my allergies have diminished significantly. Moreover, when I occasionally indulge in a cheesy hors d’oeuvre, I pay the price immediately. Done. No dairy.

It’s harder than one might think to live without eating dairy products. I don’t eat out much, and have explored new cooking options at home. My current preoccupation: Indian food. Continue reading

the path to where we are standing

19 Jul

logo for this american dietWelcome to This American Diet!

My name is Ramey, and I am embarking on a wellness odyssey. Having acquired various “incurable” illnesses and allergies during my life, and having already spent WAY more time in doctors’ offices and hospitals than I care to, it is time for me to begin a more comprehensive personal wellness journey; one in which I examine my eating habits first and foremost. My goal is not to lose weight, as I have always been fairly trim. I believe, however, that a healthy weight is a direct byproduct of a healthy lifestyle. My aim, therefore, is to improve my overall health and nutrition as a preventative healthcare measure. So I am starting this blog to share with others what I discover about health, nutrition, and food in this country. Continue reading